CPCA Statement re QLD Health Fact Sheet | Medicines in Beauty Treatment and Cosmetic Businesses

Qld health factsheet

CPCA Statement re QLD Health Fact Sheet | Medicines in Beauty Treatment and Cosmetic Businesses

Attention CPCA Members

Queensland Health released a fact sheet titled: “Medicines in beauty treatment/cosmetic businesses” in December 2024.

This document outlines and clarifies the regulations in Queensland regarding the prescribing, administration, purchase, supply and storage of S4 cosmetic injectables and has created a lot of discussion both within the CPCA and other groups who have an interest in this space. The goal of the CPCA has always been to foster education, maintain standards and improve safety. We welcome statements from the various regulators that clarify guidelines, regulations and law. The Board would like to remind our members that it is our expectation and in their best interests to ensure that they remain compliant with all AHPRA, TGA and State regulations. This particularly applies to our members that have nursing staff working at their clinics or those that provide supervision for nurses. We will be seeking clarification from Queensland Health as to what actions, if any, they intend to take over the next 6-12 months to monitor compliance with State regulations.

Click HERE to read the current version released on 1st February 2025.

Click HERE to read the previous version released on 24th January 2025.

Click HERE to view the original fact sheet released by Queensland Health in December 2024.

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