CPCA-certified doctors
are highly qualified,
experienced and ethical
CPCA-certified doctors
are highly qualified,
experienced and ethical
Dilated blood vessels, also called varicose or spider veins, have a red/blue or purple colour and appear on the surface of the body, particularly the legs.
They can be uncomfortable or lead to poor health of the skin, or simply look unattractive. Veins of all sizes can be treated by injection sclerotherapy, avoiding the need for surgery in some cases, although some large veins are better treated by Endovenous Laser or Glue or minor surgery.
Sclerotherapy involves injecting a sclerosing solution with a very fine needle directly into the blood vessel. This procedure has been used in various forms for veins since the 1920s but has only been associated with an acceptably low side effect rate in the more recent past. The solution irritates the lining of the vessel, causing it to stick together. Some vessels will fade from view, eventually becoming barely or not at all visible. Some vessels will have vanished by the time the bandages are removed. A few vessels will need a second treatment, and a few will not be accessible for injection at any given treatment session. Veins of all sizes can be injected but a trained phlebologist will know what order to treat them.
Even when a highly experienced doctor is performing the treatment, there are a number of possible side effects, most of which are minor and temporary. The most serious side effect is allergy to the solution used, which may require medication and cause discomfort. Severe allergic reactions are rare on a worldwide scale. Minor local side effects such as skin irritation and bruising are common, and the bandaging required post-treatment is inconvenient. Bandages are generally worn for one week following treatment, but normal activity should continue.
If you wish to have surface veins treated on your legs you should seek out a doctor experienced in Phlebology to ensure you have the best treatment.