How to Heal Adult Acne Marks Fast | Instyle Mag

2022. 01. 12 how to heal adult acne marks fast instyle mag

How to Heal Adult Acne Marks Fast | Instyle Mag

Acne scars are the worst thing about acne. Getting rid of acne scars is a good option, but it can be not easy. According to Dr John Mahony (Board Member of Cosmetic Physicians College of Australasia CPCA), hypertrophic scars (highly reacted) will usually respond to cortisone injections if they are not too old. It is better to use small, slow doses each fortnight or monthly than to do a large, bloody keloid-shattering amount in one go. Pressure, topical silicone and cryotherapy are all adjunct treatments. IPL is also available. Injections of other agents, including 5FU, can be used.

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