02 Jun CPCA Updated Guidelines COVID-19 – Recommencement of Cosmetic Medicine
This guideline has been developed by the College for the aim of safe practice to the extent possible during the SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) pandemic when returning to Cosmetic Medicine. Before implementing this guideline, doctors should check the restrictions in place in their clinic’s locality and their Medical Indemnity Insurer cover, and closely follow announcements that may affect this guideline in the future. The College can accept no responsibility for errors and/or omissions regarding this guideline, and those who implement the said guideline do so at t heir own risk.
Click HERE to view the updated CPCA COVID-19 guidelines as at 1st June 2020. Please read these carefully. These may be used either in entirety or in part as a COVID-19 Safe Practices policy for those vicinities that require this.
Click HERE to view the patient questionnaire which is recommended to be used in conjunction with the updated COVID-19 guidelines. Allot 1 point for each ‘No’ answer. Scores of less than 10 points are recommended to be referred to the on duty medical practitioner before moving to a treatment area.
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