CPCA Updated Guidelines COVID-19 – with edits (Applicable midnight 5th August 2020)

Updated guidelines

CPCA Updated Guidelines COVID-19 – with edits (Applicable midnight 5th August 2020)

Incorporating the Introduction of Stage 4 (Greater Melbourne) & Stage 3 Restrictions (rest of Victoria)
Applicable midnight 5th August 2020

As of midnight Wednesday 5th August, Victorian Premier Andrews has announced certain mandatory workplace changes including closures or the requirement to work off-site as well as increased ‘stay at home’ restrictions for Greater Melbourne.

In the circumstances, it has become necessary for the College to undertake a review of the previous COVID Guidelines for Return to Work, issued on 1st June 2020, including the recommendation that doctors consider the application of Telehealth as the ‘point-of-first-contact’ with their patients particularly for those areas affected by Stage 4 Restrictions.

Click HERE to view the updated CPCA COVID-19 guidelines applicable midnight 5th August 2020.

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