How to Become a CPCA Fellow

How to Become a CPCA Fellow

All new members are admitted to the College as Corresponding Members. It is commonplace for members to rise through the membership levels in a stepwise progression.

Once you have been upgraded to a Full Member of the College, you can log into the member’s portal and submit an application for CPCA Fellowship. The annual fee for CPCA Fellowship is $2,200.00 per annum, GST Inclusive, payable upon Membership Review Committee (MRC) approval.

To become a Fellow of the CPCA, you will need to demonstrate to the Membership Review Committee that you are a registered medical practitioner with extensive experience in cosmetic medicine and a demonstrated competency in a wide range of cosmetic procedures including injectables, energy-based devices, and non-ionising radiation devices.

The application process for CPCA Fellowship requires:

  • Current Full Membership of the CPCA
  • Logbook or other evidence of 50 procedures performed using neurotoxins, fillers, and bio-stimulants, with varying areas (must cover all areas of the face and neck, must include areas not considered basic).
  • Logbook or other evidence of 100 procedures performed using at least two different modalities of energy-based devices (excluding LED), with applicable licensing documentation. These can be from years past if no EBD is currently accessible.
  • Details of at least one publication in The Cosmetic Physician Journal and any other recent publications.
  • Details of at least one presentation at a conference that is relevant to cosmetics.
  • Details of at least one research project
    • Project must demonstrate ability to do literature search and testing of hypotheses in a scientific manner.
  • Two practice exchange visits with reports prepared by both guest and host.
  • Copy of annual CPD ‘Professional Development Plan’.
  • Current curriculum vitae
  • Certificates of any other relevant training and education (this may include CPCA Examinations and/or successful completion of the CPCA’s Registrar Training Program)
  • Certificates of other applicable memberships.
  • Details of any applicable teachings, or mentorship.
  • Three cosmetic physicians as referees.
  • Completion of “procedures currently performed” questionnaire (included within application form).
  • Certificate of current medical indemnity insurance.
  • Demonstration of compliance with applicable Medical Board guidelines and policies.

As a CPCA Fellow you can:

  • Attend a convocation ceremony where you will be awarded a formal Fellowship Certificate and badge.
  • Take advantage of the same CPCA Member Benefits as a Full Member plus:
  • Utilise the CPCA Fellow Logo on personal websites and advertising materials.
  • Utilise the post nominal FCPCA.
  • Be elected for a CPCA Board or Committee role.